Issue a certificate of marital status for the citizens of Vietnam in the period of residence abroad


The order of execution ​ ​ ​ ​

​Name step Description step
​1. Apply in person at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of representative offices of consular functions)
​2. Agency representatives review records, if anyunclear points need to verify the power of the State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs
3. Get live results at the headquarters ofmissions or by post
(See list of representative offices of consular functions)


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
​1. The application for certification of marital status (in the prescribed form).
​2. Copy of passport or substitute paper presenting the passport for comparison.
​3. In case the requested grant certificates of marital status is married,marriedbut divorced or widowedthey must produce an extract of the judgment / decision has taken legal effect of the Court judgment ofdivorce or death certificate copies.
This provision is also applicable to the certification of the marital status of the marriage registration declaration under the provisions ofparagraph 1 of Article 18 of Decree 158/2005 / NDCP dated 27-12-2005.
Number of records
One (01) item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Documents specified
Name form, declaration form
Issue a certificate of marital status for the citizens ofVietnam in the period of residence abroad. Download
Declaration for granting certificates Marital status BTP-NG-HT-2007-XNHN Download
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